Je viens de passer une semaine de résidence à Lasécu à Lille-Fives avec Filjio, artiste croate de Zagreb. Une semaine de travail sur une peinture à quatre mains de 6 mètres de long, une sacrée expérience artistique, et une rencontre unique. Deux rencontres en fait, car Filjio est venu avec sa copine Oko, qui elle a travaillé à la réalisation d'un livre avec Mathild Gros, artiste Lilloise. Une semaine très riche humainement.
Avec Filjio, nous connaissions nos boulots respectifs, c'est pourquoi nous n'étions pas trop inquiets quant à la réussite du projet. Cela dit ce n'est jamais évident de confronter deux univers artistiques: les décalages culturels et les trajectoires personnelles, les différences de personnalités, les méthodes et le rythme de travail sont autant de contraintes à apprivoiser dans l'intérêt commun. Ici, tout à très bien fonctionné dès le départ. Grâce je crois à notre grande faculté d'adaptation à tous les deux, notre curiosité réciproque. Chacun a apporté son caractère, ses méthodes et ses propositions. Le résultat est un patchwork d'images, de clins d'oeil, de références personnelles et culturelles, et de techniques (pochoir, aérosol, acrylique, photocopie, craie grasse, linogravure...).
La peinture sera visible à l'occasion de l'exposition "BD 3D" à Lasécu, du 27 juin au 12 juillet 2009, en association avec les Editions La chienne et Turbo Comix et dans le cadre du festival Europe XXL, avec une exposition des personnages 3D et planches au format original de Moebius et de François Boucq. Egalement, exposition de planches originales de «STRIPOVI», un ouvrage collectif de et sur la bande dessinée de Serbie et de Croatie, dans lequel on retrouve Filjio. Voir liste des sites à la fin de l'article.
I've just been one of the artists-in-residence at Lasécu in Lille-Fives with Filjio, a croatian artist from Zagreb. One week of a duet work on a 6 meters long painting, a great artistic experience and a unique encounter. Actually two, since Filjio came with his girlfriend Oko, who worked on a book with Matild Gros, an artist from Lille. A very rich week.
Filjio and I were already familiar with each other's work, so we were not worried about the project achievement. Yet it's never easy to confront two artistic universes: cultural and personnal differences, different methods and work paces are so many constraints to deal with. Here, everything went well from the start. I think this is thanks to our flexibility and our curiosity. Each of us brought his personnality, his methods and his proposals. The result is a patchwork of pictures, personnal and cultural references, and technics (stencil, aerosol, acrylic, photocopy, wax crayon, linocuts...).
The painting will be on show during the exhibition "BD 3D" at Lasécu, from the 27th of june till the 12th of july 2009, in association with La chienne edition and Turbo Comix and within the context of Europe XXL festival, with an exhibition of 3D characters and original comic strips from Moebius and Boucq. And another exhibition of original strips from "STRIPOVI", a collective book about comics in Serbia and Croatia, in which Filjio's work appears.
See list of web sites at the end of the article.
Filjio and I were already familiar with each other's work, so we were not worried about the project achievement. Yet it's never easy to confront two artistic universes: cultural and personnal differences, different methods and work paces are so many constraints to deal with. Here, everything went well from the start. I think this is thanks to our flexibility and our curiosity. Each of us brought his personnality, his methods and his proposals. The result is a patchwork of pictures, personnal and cultural references, and technics (stencil, aerosol, acrylic, photocopy, wax crayon, linocuts...).
The painting will be on show during the exhibition "BD 3D" at Lasécu, from the 27th of june till the 12th of july 2009, in association with La chienne edition and Turbo Comix and within the context of Europe XXL festival, with an exhibition of 3D characters and original comic strips from Moebius and Boucq. And another exhibition of original strips from "STRIPOVI", a collective book about comics in Serbia and Croatia, in which Filjio's work appears.
See list of web sites at the end of the article.
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